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Improve Your Company Security Posture
July 14, 2022 at 3:30 PM

Cybersecurity awareness and training

  • Cybersecurity awareness and training are critical for any organization that wants to maintain a strong security posture.
  • Awareness means educating employees about the risks of cyberattacks, while training provides specific skills to help them detect and respond to attacks.
  • The benefits of cybersecurity awareness and training include improved risk management, better compliance with regulations, a better understanding of threats and vulnerabilities, higher morale among employees who feel safer at work, reduced legal liabilities for the organization's management, improved customer trust in your brand or product/service offerings (because you're taking adequate measures to protect their data), lower costs associated with responding quickly after an incident occurs (because proper training will prepare staff members how they should react), faster detection/response times when incidents do happen (as a result of effective training).
  • The risks of not having cybersecurity awareness and training include an increased likelihood that your company will experience a cyberattack; if so then chances are higher than others because they were not prepared beforehand! This could mean losing business opportunities - especially if there are no backups available...

A company can leverage all the technology in the world to limit risk. Still, the unfortunate reality is that humans are often the last flawed link that allows an attacker to enter systems through clicking on a bad link, downloading a malicious attachment, or other means. An MSP can drive significant value to clients by offering cybersecurity awareness training as part of their services or as an optional add-on for additional revenue to teach best practices to employees.

While cybersecurity awareness training has been around for decades, it's only recently become more prevalent in large companies and enterprises—and this is due in part to how easy it has become for hackers and malware creators to gain access into networks via compromised machines. It's critical for organizations of all sizes (including MSPs) whose end users are responsible for opening attachments or clicking on links from unknown sources during their daily workflows—especially if those end users have access keys or credentials that could compromise your entire network!

When considering what type of training should be delivered personally versus automated via other methods (such as email), consider some important factors:

  • How much time do you have available? If there's no time constraint on delivering information about best practices around cybersecurity awareness then consider sending out monthly newsletters containing articles about current threats in addition to providing links where employees can get more information if they need it.* How much expertise do you need? Asking employees questions during scheduled meetings may help identify gaps in skill sets before they cause problems down line.* What types/levels of training do people need? Different levels might include basic level knowledge like recognizing spam emails before opening them; intermediate level where users know how not only recognize but also prevent themselves from sending sensitive data outside secure channels; advanced level including how protect against malware attacks or social engineering techniques like phishing emails.* How often should employees receive updates regarding new threats & techniques used by hackers? This depends largely on how quickly new exploits are developed but could range between weekly updates (if possible) until daily alerts based upon real

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication is a key component of any security program and can be implemented in many ways, ranging from SMS-based two-factor to RSA SecurID tokens. It’s also an important part of managing privileged access and accounts, which we will discuss later in this guide.

One way to implement MFA is by requiring users who have been granted administrative privileges to use their company email address as one form of authentication, along with another method such as a picture password or fingerprint scan. For example, a user may be required to enter his username and password before being prompted for the second factor—his email address—to verify his identity. This should ideally be done on every login attempt after initial authentication has been completed successfully (for example, entering the username and password).

To understand why MFA is so important, let’s take a look at some common security threats and how they are mitigated by using MFA.

Theft of passwords is a major concern for both consumers and businesses alike. Even if someone were to steal your password, they would still need to know which devices it was used on and when it expires in order to log in successfully. If you have multiple accounts with different expirations dates across different services, the likelihood of them making this happen goes down significantly.

In addition to preventing theft of credentials, MFA can also protect against phishing attempts that rely on tricking users into clicking links or downloading attachments sent via email .

It’s also important for businesses looking to improve their security posture by implementing two-factor authentication for all critical accounts/devices as well as educating employees about its importance and proper use—especially given some research showing that many companies are still using weak passwords such as “123456” or “password”

Get the cybersecurity basics right

  • Don't use the same password for multiple accounts.
  • Don't reuse passwords.
  • Don't share passwords with anyone else, not even your best friend or family member.
  • Create complex passwords that are not easy to guess or crack by brute force dictionary attacks and other methods (like using a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and special characters).
  • Use a password manager. The amount of time it takes to create and remember a complex password is far outweighed by the possibility that you may forget it. A password manager will generate random passwords that are extremely difficult to crack, while also allowing you to access them quickly using biometrics or even just by typing in the name of your account and clicking OK.
  • Don't use the same username for multiple sites/services. Basically, this means don't reuse usernames or email addresses across different services (i.e., don't share the same log-in credentials for Amazon Prime, Gmail, Facebook and Twitter). If one site gets hacked because someone stole your credentials from another site that was breached previously (and there were no changes made after its breach), now hackers have access to all other accounts connected with those shared login credentials!

Don't use the same password for multiple accounts

The first and most obvious step to improving your security posture is to not use the same passwords across multiple accounts. It’s a simple fix, but it’s also an easy one to overlook. When you’re setting up your account with a new platform or service, make sure it has a unique password that isn’t related to other passwords you use elsewhere. This means you should never reuse an old password or ever let anyone log into any of your sites with their own credentials—and if they try and fail (as they inevitably will), immediately change that password for good measure.

Another important consideration when improving security posture is ensuring that each device has its own unique credentials and settings enabled—for example: using different Wi-Fi networks on each device so that hackers can't access them from one another; enabling two-factor authentication on all devices as well as all sites; and keeping certain sensitive data off of connected devices (like laptops) in general by keeping sensitive files stored locally instead of syncing them externally.


The threats facing organizations today have evolved in both type and method of attack. The reality is that there are no magic bullets that can stop every attacker from compromising your company, but there are steps you can take to minimize risk and improve the security posture of your organization. It’s essential for any business manager or IT professional who wants to protect their customers from cybercrime to consider implementing stronger password policies, MFA across all critical accounts and devices, as well as multi-factor authentication for smartphones or tablets used by employees who need access outside the office (such as sales reps). These simple steps can go a long way toward keeping attackers out of your networks or at least making it much harder for them to succeed once inside.